Rick's Crazed World

Special projects => Corey Clagett => Topic started by: RickBulow1974 on November 04, 2012, 10:26:13 am

Post by: RickBulow1974 on November 04, 2012, 10:26:13 am
h/t Holger Awakens (http://holgerawakens.blogspot.com/2012/10/a-plea-for-help-help-free-pfc-corey.html)

from the site (http://www.coreyclagett.com/Home_Page.html)....

ATTENTION: Clemency/Parole Hearing for 2013

Corey has a Clemency/Parole Hearing coming up. We need your support now more than ever. Corey needs a letter written from you asking on his behalf that he be given Clemency/Parole. He needs your letter by Nov.20th 2012 so he has time to turn them in. The letter must be hand signed with your address. Please mail a letter to Corey and one to his attorney. The addresses are list below.

Mail one to….

Corey Clagett 82477

1300 N. Warehouse rd
Ft.Leavenworth, KS 66027

and one to…

Timothy Parlatore

Cutler & Parlatore, PLLC

260 Madison Avenue, 22nd Floor
New York, NY 10016

Note: If you do not know or unable to write a letter,please use our pre-written letter.Just copy and paste and print it out.Fill in your name and address and hand sign it and mail.You can find this letter under the tab listed Clemency/Parole.

Here is the link to the pre-written letter: http://www.coreyclagett.com/Clemency___Parole.html

Please help! We don't have much time. Let's reach out and help this young soldier. Please.

Post by: RickBulow1974 on November 04, 2012, 11:36:06 am
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theconserv ... ey-clagett - the entire show in regards to Corey Clagett

Show blurb

While serving in Iraq with 101st Airborne division , Corey was sent to participate in Operation Iron Triangle in the Thar Thar region of that country. Acting on orders to kill " all military aged males", Corey and Specialist William Hunsaker took three Iraqi prisoners, they were ordered to release the prisoners and kill them.

Corey was charged in the deaths of these Iraqis and now spent the last three years in solitary confinement at Fort Leavenworth.

As always there is more to the story and on this edition of The Conservative Watchtower we will speak to Corey's mother Melanie Dianiski to tell us what really happened and what we can do to help Corey in regards to his upcoming clemency hearing.


Please give to those who have given so much.
