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Corey's Story

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Author Topic: Corey's Story  (Read 1032 times)
The Crazed Genius
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« on: November 15, 2012, 03:39:21 am »

I just don’t know the words to express the sorrow I feel. My son is alive and we should be grateful right, but I ask you, is he? Corey has not been treated the same way as other inmates. We have proved the injustice in his treated before and he was given ten months off his sentence for the way the Army treated him. The ill treatment didn’t stop; it carried on through up until a few months ago, when a COL went out to see Corey, than a month later Tim Parlatore (tim@parlatorelaw.com) came aboard as Corey’s attorney.


My son has been in solitary confinement for 51 months. Do you know what that does to a person? Corey was never given the chance to be in general population. He was put into the shoe the minute he got to Ft.Leavenworth.


Now, Corey has ADHD. I didn’t know this; he was diagnosed while in the Army. He suffers from PTSD. He has been seen by three qualified medical and psychologists doctors who have stated over and over Corey’s mental well being has suffered and the damage it has and will continue to cause while being incarcerated.


Because of his mental condition he has mixed and confused his memories of his childhood, past and some present. At times he says things that does not make since. He forgets things easily now, he has suffered from side affects from medication which many have noticed.


I could go on and on about Corey’s mental state, but I think you get the picture. I feel I will lose the Corey I know if he is imprisoned any longer.


Corey made a mistake, he was given an order, unlawful or not, Corey at the time did not see it that way. He had to do his job. He was the lowest ranking person, this was his first mission was 21 years old at the time. He wanted to please his command. He was on meds and trusted he was doing what he was taught.


Corey was proud to ware that Army uniform. To this day he is still asking can he reenlist. Corey loved that uniform and what it stood for that when he was home on leave that is the only thing he wanted to ware.


Corey never knew his father, Corey struggled with the fact his bio-father abandon him.

Now the Army abandoned Corey too. When he was given an order no one stuck up and took responsibility. Corey was threatened. Corey was lied to. Corey was manipulated.

Corey was abandoned by his civilian attorney when his attorney was arrested. Corey was backed into a corner and forced to plea guilty.


 Some of you would say, I would never plea guilty, but Corey didn’t have anyone to go into that court room and fight for him. How do you fight when the military won’t give you anymore time to get a new attorney? He and I was told, Corey, you can plead not guilty, but they will hold the trial today and you will be found guilty. His jag attorney looked at me and said,


Melanie, you need to convince Corey to take this plea deal. If he does not, Corey will go to prison for the rest of his natural life, that means he will die in prison.


Now what would you do?? Those two weeks we were there before his hearing was hell. I had a witness to all this... Corey wanted to plead not guilty up until the doors opened to the court room.


My son looked at me across from the table and said, mom, what do I do? My son was my little boy asking me to protect him. I was sobbing, all I thought about was my son dying in prison, I wanted him to have a chance to come home….Corey’s time was up, he made the plea deal.


There is so much to this case... One day you will have the chance to read about Corey’s story. It has been on going for over four years now and it seems it continues.


Things are not right in Corey’s case. For some reason the Army won’t make this right. They won’t listen. We need to change the way the military treats our soldier’s.

Corey put his life in harms way for all of us as so many soldier’s have. Now many more soldiers are being tried and convicted and given harsh sentences than any time in our military history.


This is war they were put into; it is war to get them out. These soldiers like Corey are prisoners of our own country. We had to stand up for them..


I love God. I know my bible, I appreciate your prayers, but God also wanted us do for each other. We are to fellowship with each other; give what we can when one is in need,

Do unto others as you would like them do unto you. Be good to each other..


Not everyone agrees with us, not everyone will, but if you were to dig deep and find out about Corey’s case and others, how could you not help, rather it’s signing a petition, writing letters on a soldier’s behalf, making phone calls, sending cards or letters to the soldier and or the family, offering up your service if it may help, like printing, mailing supplies, or what ever the case may be to help the families or the soldier.


Most important is make a donation …There are so many on the internet, groups, friends pages ect that if everyone donated just $5.00 that would add up

( www.coreyclagett.com) or contact me @ (melaniedianiska@gmail.com) Most all soldiers’ families have websites, e-mails to contact them if you want to make a donation.

Also there are organizations who help pay for attorneys to help families like my self who can’t pay for an attorney. One of them is United American Patriots (http://unitedpatriots.org)


I could write pages and pages of all the miscarriage of justice that went wrong in Corey’s case, but for now I wanted to help give you a look into our life.


It is full of pain, sorrow & guilt; we don’t have Holidays, family cookouts, or much happiness at all.


I miss my son. I miss his laughter, I miss his smile, I miss his blue eyes, I miss his blonde hair, I miss his hugs, I miss hearing momma, I miss hearing my name Melanie called by my son, (he loves my name and likes to say it out loud) I miss my son being excited , I miss cooking for him, I miss doing his laundry, I miss him running to the store for me, I miss camping with him, I miss fishing with him, I miss him putting up Christmas lights, I miss my son and everything about him,

I miss saying and being told I LOVE YOU!!!


Please help in anyway you can…www.coreyclagett.com


We can’t do this alone, we need your support…This is not a joke, this is not a scam, this is real, It is torture and unbearable. This is our life and it is broken..


Thank you for taking the time to read this,

A Soldier’s Mother,

Melanie Dianiska
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